Ted Hickman

Business Competitive Advantage

All businesses work on a relative scale. https://www.expresshoods.com/ has clients of a similar size, for instance and there are some businesses where they have a strong competitive advantage over their competitors. Generally, the advantage falls into one of three categories. The first is whether you can make a compelling case for why the business would be able to make a profit even though you do not know where the profit would come from. The second is whether the business has a unique competitive advantage. The third is the level of competition. Every business competes with many businesses. The size of the business also plays a role in the competition. The three levels of competition are as follows:

Category I: With Relatively Large Competitors. Your company competes with a small number of larger competitors. The difference between your competitors is fairly small. While you may compete with your competitors on price and margins, the volume of your business is relatively small. This means that you have less business competition with your business competitors.

Hydro Solar, for instance, might have the same set of clients as that of the mentioned kitchen exhausts cleaning company, but by no means does this make them competitors.

Category II: With Relatively Small Competitors. The volume of your competition is fairly large. You may compete with your competitors on price and margins, but generally, the competition is large. This means that you have more business competition with your competitors. Your business can either be a lower price provider or a higher quality provider. The cost of providing goods or services is relatively low for this competition.

Category III: With Relatively Small Competitors. You compete with a very small number of businesses for a relatively small volume of business. You will only compete with a small number of competitors. The difference between your competitors is relatively small. Although you may compete with your competitors on price and margins, the cost of producing goods or services is relatively high. You may compete with your competitors on product quality.

The strength of your business depends on whether you are competing against one or more of the categories of competition. If you are competing against a very small number of relatively large companies, your business may not have a very strong competitive advantage.

The result of having a relatively small competitive advantage is the risk of becoming very heavily invested in a specific product or business model. If the competitive advantage is strong enough, you can make lots of money. If it is not strong enough, you may end up losing money and the business. The weaker your business competes with its competitors, the more likely you are to be able to raise prices. That is why you have to have a good business strategy and a strong business competitive advantage.


Being aware of the type of competition your business is competing with is important to determining the types of competitors that you should compete with. You should also know how large your competitors are. Knowing these facts will help you decide if you should compete directly or indirectly. This website is listed to services a specific market, for instance (domestic), but some competitors may be among those servicing the commercial market.

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