Ted Hickman

The Top On-The-Go Apps For Small Businesses

As an entrepreneur it can be hard to juggle all the balls required to keep your business afloat in this time and age. Are your accounts in order? Have your sales leads been prioritised? What about planning your next marketing strategy and scheduling that team lunch to keep up company moral? If you are feeling adrift and more than a little overwhelmed, here are some great apps to make life a little easier.


Staying on top of tasks can be daunting, especially when it seems your To Do list just never ends. The following apps will allow users to help priories their workflow:

  • Kanbanflow

One of the top apps for managers to use, Kanbanflow allows project leaders the chance to assign tasks to their team, schedule items by due date, upload documents and images, and allow users to visualise the whole workflow holistically.

  • BoxMeUp

For owners who need help keeping tabs on their stock, BoxMeUp is the best option on the market, as it can organise and track your containers, packages and large bulk storage items. With it, owners can attach QR labels to their items, and via their app, access this information from anywhere in the world.

  • Trello

Trello is a project manager’s dream app which tracks team members workflow with ease. Each Trello card represents a task for your team, and cards can be ‘stuck’ with all kinds of input, from documents and images to checklists, comments and more for each team member to access. Any changes made to Trello’s cards will also be emailed through to team members, so changes can be easily tracked.

Finance and Payment Management

Payments and budgets can be a pain to stay on top of. The below apps help users easily create a professional and on-the-go options for busy entrepreneurs.

  • Freshbooks

Ideal for freelancers and small business owners, Freshbooks allows users to have a simple way to manage and track invoices, as well as create professional looking invoices which you can automate to bill clients on set days. One of it’s most popular features is the ability to customise business reports and track incoming and outgoing finances.  

  • Square

This on-the-go app is a great for users who need to have a small, portable card reader, since it can attach to any kind of mobile device and turn it into a convenient, fast payment point. The company also has a point-of-sale system which is available for retailers to use in their physical stores.


The ability to effectively communicate cannot be overstated. Avoid any communication mishaps with these apps.

  • Skype

Skype remains the best app for conference calling, and is an established household name since it’s been around for well over a decade. It allows you to hold video conferences with up to 25 team members around the world. You can share files and images, and even offer screen mirroring – which is a very effective way to showcase your presentations.

  • Slack

Slack is an app that helps you communicate on many levels with your team, and for some small companies, has replaced the need for email. Slack allows you to set meeting minutes, chat with other colleagues, set reminders for projects, share files, images, pdfs, and currently has no upper user limit for companies. It leaves you with more time to visit this site and have fun, as you can relax about your communications.

Time Management

With more employees working longer and more sporadic hours, having a concrete way to track time and utilise the time you have effectively is a gift.

  • RescueTime

If you need an app that will track how much time you’re spending on social sites, or news websites, RescueTime should be one of the first you consider. Not only will it give you a solid breakdown of where your day is being spent via reports on your app and website usage, it will also send you alerts to let you know once a time limit has been reached, like 1 hour on news websites, and as it’s customisable, you can even block out distracting sites for set periods of time to really focus.

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